Saturday, November 09, 2013

InterFaith Tour - Step 20 : Lebanon

"Many people commit themselves to building Lebanon’s future. Mohammed Nokkari, Nagy’s companion in establishing the 25th March holiday, Stéphanie Jabre who writes positive articles in “L’Orient le Jour Junior” and introduced us to 150 students in her school in Jounieh, Fadi Daou and Nayla Tabbara who lead together the Adyan Foundation for interfaith research and spiritual solidarity, the youth from LYDS (Lebanese Youth for a Different Society), Sheikh Jaafar Fadl Allah who represents the Shi’a community, Fouad Khreis who is responsible of Mabarat, a Shi’a social enterprise managing hostels and restaurants which’s profits go to schools and orphanages, Sheikh Hammoud from University of Lebanon, the Maronite Patriarch who welcomed us in his residence, Pamela Chrabieh who blogs for peace, Malhem Khalaf who founded a structure allowing Christian and Muslim kids to live together their holidays in several Middle-Eastern countries".

For more information: (featuring Dr. Pamela Chrabieh)

Amazing work InterFaith!!


  1. Félicitations Docteure :)

  2. Je suis toujours vos blogs Dr Chrabieh. Bravo!

  3. Yes women's rights in Lebanon... so many obstacles... so little positive steps! but nice work Dr!
