28 août- 3 septembre 2006
Je m'inspire ici du titre de la chronique de Nagib Aoun (OJ, 28 août 2006): "Le temps des pourquoi". En fait, y a-t-il un temps propice pour les pourquoi? Je comprends lorsque nous cherchions à survivre face à la pluie des missiles qui s'abattaient sur nous, nous nous posions rarement des questions de ce genre. Mais elles n'étaient pas absentes. Elles n'avaient pas disparu. Elles attendaient au fond de nous pour éclater au grand jour. Les pourquoi, comment, qui, quoi... Se poser et poser des questions, chercher des réponses, un sens à tout ce qui s'est passé, à tout ce qui se passe... Ces questions et bien d'autres encore que l'on pourrait insérer dans un mouvement dialectique de critique et d'autocritique, font partie des innombrables défis que les Libanais-es auront à relever, pavant ce long chemin de la construction-déconstruction-reconstruction nationale. Les donnes ont changé, et l'heure est plus que jamais aux remises en question. Des comptes à rendre? Non seulement de la part de notre gouvernement fantoche, de nos politiciens à la solde des puissances régionales et internationales, du Hezbollah, d'Israël et de ses multiples 'randonnées-opérations' meurtrières de 'nettoyage' et de 'purification' au cours des dernières décennies au Liban, de la Syrie, des États-Unis, de l'Iran, des Nations Unies, etc. Mais également, de chacun d'entre nous Libanais-es qui tentons de fuir nos responsabilités, qui rejetons la faute sur tout le monde et ne blâmons que 'les autres'. La poétesse Nadia Tuéni disait que "nous sommes tous responsables" sans aucune distinction, et elle universalisait cette responsabilité face à la guerre, à la violence, aux injustices, et tant qu'un enfant dans ce monde "meurt de faim". Fuir n'est pas la solution... Peut-être elle-est temporaire pour certains afin de survivre. Se blottir dans son coin et nier n'est en aucun cas la solution. Quelle est la solution? Je ne la connais pas. Mais je suis certaine d'une seule chose au milieu de toutes les incertitudes qui bousculent ma vie et celle de mes proches: nous voulons vivre, et non pas survivre. Vivre dignement notre humanité et en paix... Certes, nous payons un prix cher. Mais d'autres aussi payent un prix encore plus cher. Vivre, et vivre dignement son humanité n'est pas un acquis, n'est pas un fait accompli. Nous y aspirons... C'est une construction... quotidienne, individuelle, collective... face aux catalyseurs des guerres continues.
Sunday August 27, 2006.
17h40 p.m.
I believe it was predestined that I journeyed to the South of Lebanon on Saturday August 28. A bizarre twist of events made it possible for me to get involved in the second half of a planned two-day trip by a group of activists I sort of became affiliated to during the latest Israeli invasion. Normally, it takes around an hour and a half to reach the village of “Khiam” but because practically all the bridges from Beirut to the South were bombarded to “death”, the road took almost three hours. The very ordinary sentence “you have to see it to believe it” made much more sense to me the further I went. Each bridge reminded me of the mighty Achilles whose heel took the shape of nothing else but an Israeli airplane bomb. The journey was filled with lots of detours, many of which were non-asphalted, created temporarily for the sake of continuity. Other detours were also fashioned because, in different places, especially when traveling from one village to another, the roads had to be cut to insure save passage to the multi million dollars ultra sophisticated Israeli tanks. I often found myself contemplating the traces of these tanks, fixing my eyes on the farthest mountain peak and getting lost in an imaginary battle between what everyone thought to be the invincible and the vulnerable savage. Nevertheless, my untamed thoughts repeatedly rested as I kept on staring at the beautiful and unfamiliar landscape that lay ahead: kilometers and kilometers of striking mountains and villages barren in some places and green in many others while in some distant spots gathered flocks of cows and goats. In my mind, it all took the shape of what I call the Lebanese “Valhalla”, a paradise from which I had to awake whenever I walked into a southern village. In fact, most of the villages I passed through had their homes partially or entirely demolished. Piles of debris were amassed here and there; however most of the roads have already been cleaned to allow more or less secure roadways throughout the scattered and devastating sceneries. While I witnessed on my way the forever gone homes and the multilingual Hezbollah “victory” slogans, I finally reached the village of “Khiam” where I took a stroll in its famous prison which was used by the Israelis before the “liberation of the South” in 2000 to detain and torture their captives. It is now a total “wreck” yet an inn place for people such as ourselves to take pictures on some Israeli tank. “Khiam” was also the place where I mostly heard about the scarcity of the electricity, the need for water tanks, the dead animals and the lost pastures and harvests; the latter being just about the only source of income of the people of the South. Nevertheless, my journey did not end in “Khiam”. One of the activists’ objectives was to visit the village of “Houla” and help its inhabitants as well as those of nearby villages in any way they can. During the 45 minutes trip to “Houla”, I could see the famous “Fatima door”, the door I have only heard of, the door that separates us from the enemy, the door that reminds us that Lebanon and Israel are two different lands no matter how far our eyes gaze and can only perceive an analogous panorama to the one I described above. Still, I was able to discern a discrepancy in that parallel scenery as the apparent order in the setting of the Jewish settlements I could easily observe differed from the apparent anarchy in the construction of the houses in the villages of the South of Lebanon. That parallelism could remind us of the invincible and the vulnerable savage, yet again it is simply misleading as we wonder about the identity of the savage regardless of might and power. We finally got into “Houla” where we ate “moujaddara” plates (lentils based) prepared the Southern way and discussed on a full belly the problems, needs and potential projects. Unwillingly, my journey had to end when the activists granted our hosts a certain amount in cash to help them in the prevention of a possible health catastrophe.
Michèle Chrabieh
Bickfaya (Lebanon)
17h40 p.m.
I believe it was predestined that I journeyed to the South of Lebanon on Saturday August 28. A bizarre twist of events made it possible for me to get involved in the second half of a planned two-day trip by a group of activists I sort of became affiliated to during the latest Israeli invasion. Normally, it takes around an hour and a half to reach the village of “Khiam” but because practically all the bridges from Beirut to the South were bombarded to “death”, the road took almost three hours. The very ordinary sentence “you have to see it to believe it” made much more sense to me the further I went. Each bridge reminded me of the mighty Achilles whose heel took the shape of nothing else but an Israeli airplane bomb. The journey was filled with lots of detours, many of which were non-asphalted, created temporarily for the sake of continuity. Other detours were also fashioned because, in different places, especially when traveling from one village to another, the roads had to be cut to insure save passage to the multi million dollars ultra sophisticated Israeli tanks. I often found myself contemplating the traces of these tanks, fixing my eyes on the farthest mountain peak and getting lost in an imaginary battle between what everyone thought to be the invincible and the vulnerable savage. Nevertheless, my untamed thoughts repeatedly rested as I kept on staring at the beautiful and unfamiliar landscape that lay ahead: kilometers and kilometers of striking mountains and villages barren in some places and green in many others while in some distant spots gathered flocks of cows and goats. In my mind, it all took the shape of what I call the Lebanese “Valhalla”, a paradise from which I had to awake whenever I walked into a southern village. In fact, most of the villages I passed through had their homes partially or entirely demolished. Piles of debris were amassed here and there; however most of the roads have already been cleaned to allow more or less secure roadways throughout the scattered and devastating sceneries. While I witnessed on my way the forever gone homes and the multilingual Hezbollah “victory” slogans, I finally reached the village of “Khiam” where I took a stroll in its famous prison which was used by the Israelis before the “liberation of the South” in 2000 to detain and torture their captives. It is now a total “wreck” yet an inn place for people such as ourselves to take pictures on some Israeli tank. “Khiam” was also the place where I mostly heard about the scarcity of the electricity, the need for water tanks, the dead animals and the lost pastures and harvests; the latter being just about the only source of income of the people of the South. Nevertheless, my journey did not end in “Khiam”. One of the activists’ objectives was to visit the village of “Houla” and help its inhabitants as well as those of nearby villages in any way they can. During the 45 minutes trip to “Houla”, I could see the famous “Fatima door”, the door I have only heard of, the door that separates us from the enemy, the door that reminds us that Lebanon and Israel are two different lands no matter how far our eyes gaze and can only perceive an analogous panorama to the one I described above. Still, I was able to discern a discrepancy in that parallel scenery as the apparent order in the setting of the Jewish settlements I could easily observe differed from the apparent anarchy in the construction of the houses in the villages of the South of Lebanon. That parallelism could remind us of the invincible and the vulnerable savage, yet again it is simply misleading as we wonder about the identity of the savage regardless of might and power. We finally got into “Houla” where we ate “moujaddara” plates (lentils based) prepared the Southern way and discussed on a full belly the problems, needs and potential projects. Unwillingly, my journey had to end when the activists granted our hosts a certain amount in cash to help them in the prevention of a possible health catastrophe.
Michèle Chrabieh
Bickfaya (Lebanon)
Bonjour Pamela,
j'éspère que tu ailles bien ainsi que tes proches et famille. Je suis très impressioné par les écrits de Michèle Chrabieh, il y a une vraie voix qui se prononce. Sans ornements, sans maquillage, ces écrits unissent questionnement, lucidité et sensibilité, justement dont en a le plus besoin dans ces moments, même si ces écrits restent des mots face à des réalités atroces, néanmoins leur valeur est d'être un vital contrepoint humain à ce verbe inhumain qui gouverne nos vies. Bravo.
Autre chose: (www.cinesoumoud.net/) voilà la page web où tu pourras trouver les courtmétrages réalisés par ces cinéastes de toutes origines en solidarité avec le peuple libanais, crées dans l'urgence, ces dernières semaines, afin de contrecarrer cet autre verbe maladif que l'on constate dans la grammaire des images officielles sur le conflit. Les films sont libres de droits pour tout usage non commercial. Le mien, qui fera partie d'un tryptique conçu et co-réalisé avec la cinéaste marocaine Farida Benlyazid, est en phase de montage. Il sera projeté dans le Festival du Court Métrage Mediterranéen de Tanger (11-16 septembre) et, bien sûr, posté très prochainement dans la page web mentionnée.
A très bientôt
Faysal A. Bentahar
j'éspère que tu ailles bien ainsi que tes proches et famille. Je suis très impressioné par les écrits de Michèle Chrabieh, il y a une vraie voix qui se prononce. Sans ornements, sans maquillage, ces écrits unissent questionnement, lucidité et sensibilité, justement dont en a le plus besoin dans ces moments, même si ces écrits restent des mots face à des réalités atroces, néanmoins leur valeur est d'être un vital contrepoint humain à ce verbe inhumain qui gouverne nos vies. Bravo.
Autre chose: (www.cinesoumoud.net/) voilà la page web où tu pourras trouver les courtmétrages réalisés par ces cinéastes de toutes origines en solidarité avec le peuple libanais, crées dans l'urgence, ces dernières semaines, afin de contrecarrer cet autre verbe maladif que l'on constate dans la grammaire des images officielles sur le conflit. Les films sont libres de droits pour tout usage non commercial. Le mien, qui fera partie d'un tryptique conçu et co-réalisé avec la cinéaste marocaine Farida Benlyazid, est en phase de montage. Il sera projeté dans le Festival du Court Métrage Mediterranéen de Tanger (11-16 septembre) et, bien sûr, posté très prochainement dans la page web mentionnée.
A très bientôt
Faysal A. Bentahar
Merci Faysal pour le lien à un site constructif et empreint d'espoir! Je le recommande vivement à mes lecteurs-lectrices et vous souhaite tout le courage possible pour la poursuite de si belles initiatives en vue de la dénonciation des injustices-inégalités, et de la promotion de la paix et de la convivialité.
Thursday 31 August, 2006
12:35 p.m.
On that last day of August 2006, I write for those who lived intense moments of pleasure, bliss, desire, hope and sorrow during the “July-August nightmare” Lebanon lived all over again. You might wonder who had the time or even dared to breathe such moments when we were witnessing the downfall of our nation. I say, this ought to be experienced when we are compelled to relive the terrible fractions of our childhood and of our parents’ youth and when we are forced to wish for a positive outcome even during moments of contracted peace. Unfortunately, even in and after these past horrendous hours and days some people remain self-centered and keep on apprehending life and all the mixed emotions it burgeons as if such sensations were the actual spirit we should fear. Maybe were they supposing that wellbeing and security would only be granted if intimate affairs were escaped, while sardonically we all know that such utopian conditions would hardly be established if at least our nation were at peace with itself and its neighbors? Why not get pleasure from what we can actually find especially when it is simply beautiful?
Bab Idriss
Michèle Chrabieh
12:35 p.m.
On that last day of August 2006, I write for those who lived intense moments of pleasure, bliss, desire, hope and sorrow during the “July-August nightmare” Lebanon lived all over again. You might wonder who had the time or even dared to breathe such moments when we were witnessing the downfall of our nation. I say, this ought to be experienced when we are compelled to relive the terrible fractions of our childhood and of our parents’ youth and when we are forced to wish for a positive outcome even during moments of contracted peace. Unfortunately, even in and after these past horrendous hours and days some people remain self-centered and keep on apprehending life and all the mixed emotions it burgeons as if such sensations were the actual spirit we should fear. Maybe were they supposing that wellbeing and security would only be granted if intimate affairs were escaped, while sardonically we all know that such utopian conditions would hardly be established if at least our nation were at peace with itself and its neighbors? Why not get pleasure from what we can actually find especially when it is simply beautiful?
Bab Idriss
Michèle Chrabieh
Friday September 1, 2006.
8:35 a.m.
After 43 days of combat listening to the falling bombs, watching the black fumes replacing our blue sky, witnessing the obliteration, the death, the displacement of our people and the loss of our nation’s spirit and soul, reporting to work in perilous conditions, living the scarcity of fuel, drinking with the very few remaining friends, demonstrating for peace and amusing the refugees’ children, questioning our future and observing the evacuation of our citizens, a very fragile cease-fire was presented to us and I stopped paying attention to the news apprehending the failure of this particular serenity and harmony. Nevertheless, no matter how I tried to stay away, the treacherous information chased after me and I became even more concerned and implicated in my nation’s mayhem. In fact, when we think we should only fear war, we tend to forget the consequences of this outrageous phenomenon; as the days pass by we realize that the terror of the after war is getting nearer and more hazardous by the minute. When everyday people are being wounded or getting killed by the 100,000 unexploded cluster bombs that were mostly dropped in the last 72 hours of conflict, when the air and sea blockades humiliate our nation and jeopardize its economic survival and continuity, when the solidification of our fragile peace depends greatly on the 15,000 expected peacekeepers, when the specter of lung cancer is in the mind of every citizen and when the beautiful Mediterranean sea is home to a generation of dead or harmful and maybe toxic fish, we should begin opening our eyes if we haven’t done so already.
Bab Idriss,
Michèle Chrabieh
8:35 a.m.
After 43 days of combat listening to the falling bombs, watching the black fumes replacing our blue sky, witnessing the obliteration, the death, the displacement of our people and the loss of our nation’s spirit and soul, reporting to work in perilous conditions, living the scarcity of fuel, drinking with the very few remaining friends, demonstrating for peace and amusing the refugees’ children, questioning our future and observing the evacuation of our citizens, a very fragile cease-fire was presented to us and I stopped paying attention to the news apprehending the failure of this particular serenity and harmony. Nevertheless, no matter how I tried to stay away, the treacherous information chased after me and I became even more concerned and implicated in my nation’s mayhem. In fact, when we think we should only fear war, we tend to forget the consequences of this outrageous phenomenon; as the days pass by we realize that the terror of the after war is getting nearer and more hazardous by the minute. When everyday people are being wounded or getting killed by the 100,000 unexploded cluster bombs that were mostly dropped in the last 72 hours of conflict, when the air and sea blockades humiliate our nation and jeopardize its economic survival and continuity, when the solidification of our fragile peace depends greatly on the 15,000 expected peacekeepers, when the specter of lung cancer is in the mind of every citizen and when the beautiful Mediterranean sea is home to a generation of dead or harmful and maybe toxic fish, we should begin opening our eyes if we haven’t done so already.
Bab Idriss,
Michèle Chrabieh
Poètes contre la guerre!
Une soirée bénéfice à Montréal pour la coalition SAMIDOUN à Beyrouth, Liban.
MERCREDI 30 août 2006
Casa del Popolo
4873 boul St-Laurent
19h30 pile!
Tickets à lèentrée: 5-10$.
"Poètes contre la guerre!" est une soirée bénéfice multiethnique de poésie et de musique, mettant en scène 20 poètes et musiciens des communautés locales libanaises, iraniennes, irakiennes, égyptiennes, marocaines, palestiniennes, syriennes, juives, pakistanaises, anglaises et françaises.... Projection vidéo sur les événements/manifestations de solidarité avec le peuple du Liban, qui ont eu lieu à Montréal ce dernier mois, par le collectif les Lucioles.
Les poètes sont: * Fortner Anderson * Meissoon Azzaria * Salah Benlabed * Hisham Elsalfiti * Hassan el-Hadi * Ehab Lotayef * Genvieve Letarte * Norman Nawrocki * Daniele Ouanes * Bahman Sadighi * Yasser Shoukry * Hossein Sharang * Bob Silverman * Vince Tinguely et d'autres....
Tous les fonds récoltés iront au Centre de secours de Sanayeh à Beyrouth, qui fournit une aide humanitaire pour des milliers de déplacés libanais. Le centre a été initié par une coalition d'organisations locales gérée par le groupe Samidoun. http://www.samidoun.org/.
"Poètes contre la guerre!" est la réaction de poètes de Montréal face aux crimes de guerre commis contre le peuple du Liban, la guerre menée contre les Palestiniens, la situation critique en Irak et en Afghanistan, et toutes les guerres subies par les populations dans le monde. C'est aussi l'occasion de condamner la complicité du Canada dans ces agressions. A travers nos poésies, nous dénonçons le recours à la guerre comme solution au moindre conflit.
En collaboration avec Tadamon! Montréal et Les Pages Noires Productions. tadamon[at]resist.ca / http://tadamon.resist.ca/ / 514 690 8499
Les Amis du Monde Diplomatique
Groupe de Montréalen collaboration avec la Fondation Aubin
Groupe de Montréalen collaboration avec la Fondation Aubin
Chers amis,
Quoi qu'il advienne à court terme de la crise libanaise, qui de nous n'est pas porté un jour ou l'autre à désespérer de quelque solution durable au Proche-Orient? Si on s'en tient aux stratégies politiques et aux événements violents dont nous informent les médias, ce découragement est facile à justifier. Mais derrière les politiciens, derrière soldats et kamikazes, de chaque côté du détestable Mur, existent des sociétés, des citoyens veillant sur leur qualité de vie et celle de leurs proches, militant pour une solution juste ou tout au moins l'espérant. Et régulièrement, certains de nos concitoyens, se rendent sur place, observent, parlent avec les gens, accèdent ainsi à une vue plus vivante et incarnée de la réalité quotidienne de cette région du monde. En mai et en juin dernier, des Québécois ont effectué des séjours tant en Palestine qu'en Israël. Trois d'entre eux vont partager avec nous ces souvenirs tout frais qui les habitent, à l'occasion de notre prochaine conférence/débat :
Retours du Proche-Orient
avec Clotilde Bertrand, Fatiha Gatre-Guemiri, André Le Corre
Animation : Wedad Antonius
Le jeudi 28 septembre, de 19heures à 21 heures 30
à la salle de réunion de la Bibliothèque Atwater
1200 Atwater, Métro Atwater
Entrée libre.
Échanges avec la salle.
Renseignements : dreault@cooptel.qc.ca
Lebanon’s Life Blood Flows Richer Through its International Veins
Nahwa al Muwatiniya" is pleased to invite you to a session with Bahi GHUBRIL, a social entrepreneur, to talk about:
“The role of Lebanese international community in establishing and realizing The Lebanese dream”
Bahi Ghubril is one of a group of Lebanese-British nationals who began in the first few days of the war to work with humanitarian aid. With the progress and subsequent ceasefire, this group evolved into a movement that is committed to establishing Lebanon as a prosperous, stable, secular, democratic nation and a final homeland for every Lebanese citizen.
Date & Time: Monday 4 September, 2006 at 8:00pm
Place: Club 43, Gemayzé, facing Doculand (Lebanon)
Enfin un relent de revolte "a minima" suite aux etalages continus de la misere sudiste et banlieusarde du Sud qui a anime ce
ReplyDeleteblog depuis le debut des evenements ,que dis-je ,de la guerre la plus outranciere . On a toujours raison de se revolter et si nous ne le faisons pas dans toutes les largeurs ,nous ne meritons pas de survivre encore moins de vivre! En echo a toute cette horreur :"Si j'avais su..."
comme si les libanais n'ont jamais existe et que de lui depend une prise d'otages ou la declaration d'une guerre ou la non declaration de guerre et a cote tous les "scenarios sinioresques" offerts par le gouvernement ne servent qu'a tromper les nations unies pour que puisse se perpetuer cet etat de fait et que la guerre puisse reprendre suivant des injonctions syro-iraniennes .La naivete de l'ONU et la credulite des puissances amies du Liban fait toute notre force ou plutot la leur ,elle est utilisee a des fins qui ne sont pas les notres .Tant que nous ne saurons faire eclater la VERITE au grand jour on continuera a nous tromper en trompant les autres ."Si j'avais su...",mais deja en 1969 Kaddhafi etait venu au Liban(et n'avait accepte de sortir de l'aeroport qu'en decapotable ,que le seigneur des accords du Caire lui avait rapporte) pour plaider la venue d'armees arabes au Sud du Liban pour combattre Israel ,mais les pays de la ligue arabe avaient unanimement refuse pour eviter la destruction du Liban qui avait ete considere comme pays de soutien et non de confrontation ,pouvant donner par la Paix ,de par sa presse ,sa liberte de parole ,ses emigres,ses blogs et tant d'autres atouts bien plus que par un etat de guerre. Il ne faut pas etre sorti d'une academie militaire ou meme d'une ecole coranique pour savoir que celui qui dispose du Sud peut meme avec des lance-pierres rendre la vie impossible aux habitants du Nord d'Israel mais le prix de ce carnaval est la destruction du Liban .C'est la strategie de dissuation d'Israel depuis son implantation .Vous m'attaquez ,je detruis !La verite dorenavant doit etre demasquee ,aisi donc meme le general qui lors de l'envol du premier drone du Hezbollah ,de Paris avait declare qu'au Luxembourg(le jardin) ,plusieurs
enfants de 10 a 15 ans en font voler des dizaines par jour d'identiques.Assez pour ce matin et que vive ton bloc Pamela!
L'exile de New Jersey
Bonjour Pamela,
ReplyDeleteJe n'ai pas été capable d'oublier les massacres commis par Israël au Liban. Conséquemment, j'ai recommencé à publier les « Chroniques du Liban » sur mon blogue et ce, même si j'avais annoncé que je serais muet jusqu'au 15 septembre.
J'espère que tu te portes bien et que tu as réussi à récupérer un peu depuis ton retour à Montréal.
Bonne fête du Travail !
André Tremblay.
Bonjorno, pchrabieh.blogspot.com!
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ReplyDeleteOMG , pensez-vous voir ce qui se déroule en Syrie? En dépit d'une répression brutale du gouvernement , les manifestations continuent